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Price sheet 2025

By Aktuell-EN

The price sheet 2025 with regard to the access for shippers to our network valid as of 1 January 2025 is now available in the download section of our website. Your Gastransport Nord GmbH

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New uniform postage stamp tariff for the Trading Hub Europe (THE) market area from 1 January 2025

By Aktuell-EN

For the Trading Hub Europe (THE) market area the transmission system operators have determined the uniform tariff from 1 January 2025 on the basis of the Federal Network Agency’s (BNetzA) REGENT 2021 decision. On 27 May 2024, GTG (Gastransport Nord GmbH) published this uniform network tariff. The annual tariff for firm, freely allocable entry and exit capacity will be 6,71 EUR/(kWh/h)/a applicable from 1 January…

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Information on Nüttermoor storage point

By Aktuell-EN

EWE GASSPEICHER GmbH is converting further parts of the Nüttermoor storage point from L-gas to H-gas as part of the market area conversion. This market area conversion will create new storage points to the GTG NORD network: UGS NUETTERMOOR H GTG – Entry and UGS NUETTERMOOR H GTG – Exit.  At these new storage points, interruptible and conditionally firm capacity will be marketed for the…

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