The use of our network is possible by booking capacities. We market the following fixed and untinteruptable capadities:
- Freely allocable entry and exit capacity (FZK)
- Conditionally firm, freely allocable entry capacity (bFZK)
- Firm, dynamically allocable entry capacity (DZK)
- Interruptible capacity (UK)
The booking is made via the PRISMA European Capacity Platform, the Europe-wide platform for booking gas transport capacities based in Leipzig.
Prerequisite for booking capacities is the registration on PRISMA and the admission as transport customer of GTG Nord. Details on the bookable services and their remarketing can be found in our GTC/ECB for the entry and exit contracts. All necessary information for processing a capacity booking is available on the PRISMA platform.
Capacity request due to failure of PRISMA – information
Capacity request due to failure of PRISMA – standard form
Process description for MBI use and capacity buy-back transactions
In accordance with the BNetzA BK7-23-043 determination on the recognition of capacity increases (“ANNIKA”), the “Process description for MBI use and capacity buy-back transactions” of all long-distance network operators (tenor item 6 lit. d) ) is published on the homepage of the market area manager Trading Hub Europe (THE). The document can be viewed and downloaded via the following link:
Process description for MBI use and capacity buy-back transactions
From the incremental capacity cycle 2023 – 2025 onwards, the German transmission system operators will charge a fee of €30,000 per market area border, type of request (incremental capacity or upgrade of existing capacity) and direction (entry or exit capacity) for their activities resulting from the submission of non-binding demand indications in accordance with Article 26 (11) of Regulation (EU) 2017/459 (NC CAM). Please note that the fee will also be charged if the transmission of the non-binding demand indication is not submitted to the applicants by the requesting party directly but by a third party (such as an adjacent, foreign TSO) (cf. point 37 BK9-22/042).
The approval by the Federal Network Agency and detailed information can be found in Decision BK9-22/042 or here.
A communication channel must be set up to be able to submit a nomination at GTG Nord network points that require nominations.
This includes the coordination and exchange of the following information for setting up an AS4 data transmission connection:
- Customer data: e.g. market partner ID and 24/7 contact data (e-mail, telephone number), see example AS4 Connecting Sheet (link)
- Data format: edig@s messages, EDIFACT messages
A successful communication test is required. The test must take place in good time (at least 10 wd) before the planned use of the nomination.
Notice: To use the single-sided nomination per balancing group, prior agreement is required.
Use of the nomination portal
GTG also offers a nomination portal as an alternative communication channel. Please note that according to the german KoV, the portal is no longer permitted for regular nomination messages. GTG only offers this portal in the event of a restriction or failure of nomination-relevant systems.
GTG calculates its capacity tariffs, related tariffs and levies in accordance with statutory regulations and the applicable “Agreement on cooperation between the operators of gas supply networks located in Germany pursuant to Section 20 para. 1b) of the Energy Economy Law (EnWG)”.
Network tariff
The network fees for firm freely allocable capacities with a term of one calendar year are 5,10€/(kWh/h)/a in the Trading Hub Europe GmbH market area, valid from 1 January 2024 until 1 January 2025.
The network fees for firm freely allocable capacities with a term of one calendar year are 6,71€/(kWh/h)/a in the Trading Hub Europe GmbH market area, valid from 1 January 2025 until 1 January 2026.
The fees result from the BNetzA decision BK9-19/610 .
Biogas redistribution levy
As of 1 January 2025, the biogas redistribution levy will be amounted to €1.0542 per (kWh/h)/a nationwide. In 2024, it amounts to €0.8381 per (kWh/h)/a nationwide.
Market area conversion levy
The market area conversion levy according to § 25 Terms and conditions for the entry and exit contract and § 10 KoV is calculated nationwide and applicable to all exit points in addition to the network fees. The market area conversion levy will not affect exit points as storage facilities, cross-border interconnection points and market area connection points.
For the calendar year 2025, the nationwide market area conversion levy is 0.6713 €/kWh/h/a. The total announced nationwide costs for market area conversion are estimated at 193,028,853.69 € for the calendar year 2025. The total announced nationwide actual costs for market area conversion are 222,394,817.42 € for the calendar year 2023.
The nationwide market area conversion levy is 0.6711 €/kWh/h/a. The total announced nationwide costs for market area conversion are estimated at 203,942,701.14 € for the calendar year 2024.
Please find our actual price sheet here.
The price sheet for the year 2025 you will find here.
Since 2021, Trading Hub Europe (THE) has been the market area manager for the entire German market area. THE balances the gas quantities fed into and out of our network in accordance with the rules of the cooperation agreement. We forward all nominations to THE for this purpose.
As an Independent Transmission System Operator, GTG Nord ensures non-discriminatory access to the grid for all shippers. To ensure this in accordance with the requirements of § 10e of the German Energy Industry Act (EnWG), we have defined binding measures in our equal treatment programme.
Our Equal access Officer monitors compliance with this programme. Every year, he submits a report on the implementation of the measures of the Equal access Programme.
Please find our equal treatment programme here.