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moving with high pressure

We are GTG Nord
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Gastransport Nord GmbH (GTG) was founded in 2012 as a wholly owned subsidiary of EWE AG. Our task: to operate and market 400 kilometres of high-pressure pipelines of the gas transmission network in the northwest of Lower Saxony. In this supply ring between East Frisia and Bremen we transport gas produced or imported in Germany to the connected network operators, storage facilities and large consumers. This makes us an important partner for security of supply in the area.

Around 50 employees take on this important task from the head office in Oldenburg. In our dispatching department, we control the grid and our stations and facilities in the grid area around the clock. As an independent transmission system operator, we offer non-discriminatory access for all transmission customers. This means that anyone who wants to transport gas to our connection customers can use our network on equal terms. We take over the gas at the entry points and bring it to the transfer points at the destination – safely and reliably.

Management & Supervisory Board
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Dr. Tim Olbricht, Managing Director of Gastransport Nord GmbH since February 2022




Supervisory Board

Dr. Frank Reiners – Chairman of the Supervisory Board

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FNB Gas e.V.

The operators of the German gas transmission network have been organised in the FNB Gas since 2012. One of the central tasks that the FNB Gas assumes together with its members is the regular preparation, updating and consultation of network development planning for natural gas and, recently, also for hydrogen.



The cooperation of transmission system operators at European level is organised in ENTSOG (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas). Based in Brussels, the network works for the continuous optimisation of the European internal market for natural gas.



BDEW (Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V.) represents the interests of around 1,800 companies from the natural gas, electricity, district heating, water and wastewater sectors. The association campaigns for the interests of its members at all political levels.